Glassdome Glassdome

Customers and Partners

Thriving alongside partners and customers
who place their trust in Glassdome

  • client
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  • client
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  • client
  • client
  • client
  • client
  • client
  • client
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  • client
  • client
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  • client
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  • client
  • client
  • client
  • client
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  • client
  • A Food Manufacturer
  • A Battery Manufacturer

Case Study: Continuous Improvement

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a food manufacturer

  • Challenges

    Measuring and entering product quality data by hand into the system

    Identifying causes of product quality decline took weeks or months

    Increasing TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of their operating quality management system

  • Solutions

    Real-time data collection and quality monitoring through wireless gateways

    Easy no-code data integration management linked to existing systems like ERP and MES

    Quality predictive values delivered through insightful data analysis

Percent of data automatically collected
Equipment Anomaly detection time
Time to identify cause of quality decline
Standard Deviation
of product size / thickness
Glassdome Glassdome
Glassdome Glassdome
Glassdome Glassdome
Glassdome Glassdome

Case Study: Product Carbon Footprint

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a battery manufacturer

  • Challenges

    Collecting relevant yearly data from relevant departments to calculate total PCF

    Acquiring data from suppliers who were reluctant to share cost-related data

    Responding to carbon regulations and certifications that require professional knowledge

  • Solutions

    Real data collected and aggregated monthly from data sources like MES, ERP, and PLCs

    Consent-based data sharing that only shares the supplier’s product emission factor data - safer for both supplier and manufacturer

    An ISO 14067-based solution and professionals who help prepare for regulatory challenges and certification processes

Time required to collect data from suppliers
PCF calculation method
Time required to prepare a report
Glassdome Glassdome
Glassdome Glassdome
Glassdome Glassdome